During the holiday season there are so many things going on (parties, events, vacations, etc). The hustle and bustle truly is setting in; however we still need time to ensure that you and your family are ready for winter. Little tips and chores that can help you prevent issues during the winter and also save you money on your energy costs can be shared by the whole family. Here are a few:
What are some of your winter survival tips?
- Be sure that all smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are in good working order. The batteries should be changed as needed or at least twice a year.
- Clean out gutters and downspouts (fine, fine, I’ll admit that I call for help on this one… I just don’t like to do it).
- Store firewood at least 30 feet away from your house.
- Check the attic for adequate insulation. This is a great time to add insulation and receive up to 30% off the cost from tax credits. Energy Star offers detailed information on adding insulation and receiving the tax credit.
As with other times of the year, make sure that the filters are cleaned or replaced regularly. This helps your heating and cooling system work more efficiently. Believe it or not, I have been told that less is better when it comes to my filters. The less expensive ones allow air to flow easier which reduces stress on the system.
- Have your heating checked by a licensed HVAC contractor. You would rather find out now if there are any issues than when it really gets cold.
- Make sure that there are no drafts coming from doors and windows and make repairs as needed. My kids enjoy adding the weather stripping, with my guidance of course! If they can do it so can you.
- Check for cracks and holes in the siding or paint and make any necessary repairs. Neither you nor I want critters coming inside to enjoy our warmth.
- My kids have also taken the garden hoses off the spigots to prevent them from freezing. This is a task that often gets overlooked so make sure to check before the cold truly starts to set in. There are also spigot covers available at home goods stores that are very inexpensive and add that extra protection.
What are some of your winter survival tips?