by on May 2, 2011
There seems to be much confusion about the number of distressed properties which are currently entering the housing market. This inventory has a tremendous impact on pricing in any particular region. For this reason, we want to bring a little clarity to the situation. Mortgage delinquencies are decreasing and foreclosures are increasing. Still confused? Let us explain.
Delinquencies are decreasing
The great news at this time is that the number of people 90+ days behind on their mortgage payment is falling. As the employment picture slowly brightens and families adjust to their current financial situation, more people are paying their mortgage on time. This has created headlines touting that the foreclosure situation is easing. Those headlines are correct. However…Foreclosures are again flowing to the market
We must still clear the large inventories of foreclosed properties that exist. We had a small reprieve over the last few months as many distressed properties were caught in a logjam created as banks corrected faulty paperwork. That bottleneck is beginning to clear. This month’s LPS Mortgage Monitor shows exactly this situation in this graph:… nearly half of the housing market is now distressed properties. This trend is likely to continue as a backlog of foreclosures and mortgage defaults make their way through the housing pipeline.